Tuesday, February 7, 2017


Disoriented and confused, I take in my unfamiliar surroundings as I shake the haze from sleep from my head.  It feels as if years have gone by since I was confined to this dark, cavernous prison. Upon unstable legs I stumble to the wall as if I have been rendered blind, the rattling of chains echoes off the wall as I trip across shackles linked to the wall. A tiny hole in the wall serves as both my source of light and my window to the outside world.  My fingertips reach out into the darkness hoping for warmth, but all that surrounds me is cold, damp, slimy brick.  Instead, I turn my attention to peering out of the tiny hole; I am overwhelmed with desire to make it to the trees along the edge of the horizon.

Trapped with my maddening thoughts and fears. I attempt to focus my thoughts on one day reaching the forest in the distance. The sounds of rats darting around in the shadows make send shivers up my spine. Birds chatter outside my “window,” but they never come close. I find myself growing jealous of their freedom beyond these walls. At times I daydream about taking flight and flying far away from this place.

Heavy footsteps clank down the corridor signals the arrival of my guardian, such a silly term for this creature.  It tries to speak, but all I hear is a grumbling sound therefore, I am unable to understand what is said or whether the voice is male or female. I have never seen the one who keeps me here as their body is shadowed within the doorway, and their face is always covered by a black mask. Nothing quells the thoughts raging in my mind.  When the creature arrives there is an air of intimidation and fear.

I look down at my arms and legs only to find they are bruised and tattered. I try to use what little sunlight I have to look at my battered hands, but there is so much dirt and grime, my fingers are almost indistinguishable.  Every inch of me is covered in caked on blood, most likely from years of living in this dreadful prison. My soft blonde locks now feel like stringy, coarse bailing twine scratching at my face. My clothes look as if I have been mauled by a bear, dirty, bedraggled and covered in blood. I can’t remember when the last time I took a nice hot shower was, or even a cold one. I close my eyes in an attempt to remember what it was like before I was imprisoned, yet to my dismay my memories are long gone.

Each time I cry out in anguish, I hear the gruff guffaw of the guard outside. The arrival of the unknown guard is my only means of telling the time. It comes as the sun rises, what I assume is midday, and as the sun begins to set.  I am uncertain of how long the massive figure of the guard lingers in my cell. I wonder if it is the one whispering things through the dark. “You’ll never leave here.  No one cares enough to rescue you; you are worthless to them.”  Could this being be right?  Could I be so worthless that no one has tried to rescue me?  Is there anyone out there that misses me, wonders where I have gone?  I can feel the tears forming in my eyes once more and I will them away; I cannot cry, not here.

My days are filled with searching for a glimpse of freedom. Just when it seems as though I may be able to be free, I am thrust back into reality after waking from yet another dream. After an innumerable amount of years, I finally see my chance of freedom. After being fed my daily meal of indistinguishable mush, I realize the clank of the latch never sounded. My ever watchful guard has made a mistake. As I move closer to the door, a rock tumbles from the wall, frightening me. I scurry back to my corner in fear I was heard. I listen to the door, and discover the guard has even left its post.  After what seems like hours, I begin to gather enough courage and strength to attempt my escape.

My legs tremble as I approach the door with caution, looking around the edge of the doorway, all I see is a black void.  I don’t have time to decide which was to go as I dash out the door before the guard realizes his mistake. The longer I wander around this labyrinth of a prison the more familiar it begins to fee.  I feel as though I already know this place, as if I am walking around my own home, but at the same time everything is strange and unfamiliar. I desperately want to cry out in frustration, but fear I would be heard and thrown back to my cell. As I round a new corner I come to a wooden door.  My heart feels as if it will beat right out of my chest, the beat so loud I fear it may resound off the walls.

I fling open the massive wooden door and I feel the warmth of the sun on my scarred face for the first time.  Tears threaten to fall with the motions surging through my body. Just as I lift my foot to step out on the lush, green grass, skeletal hand grabs my shoulder and swings me around. The hand grabs my arms so tight I can’t move, it stares at me with deep dead eyes, nothing is there but blackness. I try to wiggle free, but it’s futile. I try clinging to the edge of the door as I am being dragged back to my dingy cell. As the abductor roughly throws me into the cell, I grab its mask and tear it away. My voice escapes me as I try to scream, all I can manage is a hoarse gasp as I discover the face looking back at me is…myself.