Thursday, August 25, 2016

Dancing Queen

Jack notices the lithe woman as her leans her slender body against the bar, her black and red dress climbing to every curve of her body. Her friends guide her out to the dance floor; she moves with the fluid grace of a gymnast. Jack’s smile twisted as he watches her become lost in the music and becomes one with her movements. Observing the young woman dance to the music ignites something within that he thought perished the fateful night he danced with the devil. As she moves across the floor, Jack takes note of the fluidity and agility of her movements, weaving her body through the masses. 

She catches his watching her from the corner of her eye, nothing seemed to block his line of sight to her.  She could read the hunger and his dangerous thoughts on his face.  She continues to flow with the music as waters flows in a river, hoping to entice the stranger even more.  Her heart pounded along with the music and the thought of increasing Jack’s desire for her. She bit her lip and lavished the metallic taste of blood as she bit too hard.  Suddenly, a burly brute of a man tries to dance with the dancing beauty. She blood flames to life and excitement raises as she see Jack prepare to go to her rescue, but to his surprise she takes him down with a swift kick, and a well-timed punched. Was that hunger he seen sparkling in her eyes?

Their eyes lock from across the room; a twinkle of excitement and danger spark in her eyes as recognition sets in. Her blonde hair bouncing as she almost skips across the room to him, a wicked smile spreading across her lips.  Without a word she sits beside him, close enough he can feel the rhythmic beating of her heart, and smell the scent of desire radiating from her pores. She leaned in closely, her hand touching his leg. Her lips near his ear, she whispered “do you want to kill the Batman?”

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