Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Priestess of Heilari ------ Unfinished

Kalina sat at the desk waiting for her master to come.  She stared out the tower window at the blue sky; I wonder what it would be like to fly like the birds.  She was so lost in her thoughts when the door slammed shut she jumped out of her seat.  “I was just taking a short break from my studies Master Orin.”  But when she turned to face her master, the man standing before her was not Master Orin.  Where Master Orin’s hair was the typical long blonde locks of their elven race, this man had hair as dark as a raven and skin the color of ash.  Kalina gasped at this presence of the intruder, who was he and what did he want?

He stormed over to the desk and grabbed the young woman by her bound hair; “The orb, girl where is it!”

“I have no idea what you are talking about, I am just an apprentice.”

The stranger let out a monstrous roar that could cause the mountains themselves to tremble.  He flung her aside and began destroying the room, mumbling to himself.  Kalina cowered in the corner unsure of how to stop this stranger.  She had only just begun her studies with Master Orin and has yet to even manage to conjure the smallest of energy balls.  She closed her eyes to focus on her lessons when a loud thunderclap resounded through the room.  Did I cause that? Her eyes flew open in time to see a figure standing in the doorway.

“The orb is not here Arien.  You will never gain its power.”

The stranger said nothing as he dissolved into a red cloud of smoke.  Master Orin turned towards Kalina cowering in the corner.  He reaches his hand out to help her to her feet.  She takes in the scene around her; in a short time the stranger was able to scatter the relics and books around the room.  She barely registered Master Orin speaking to her.

“You are safe from the likes of Arien; there is nothing to fear now.”

“What was it that he was looking for Orin? He mentioned an orb.”

”That is of no concern for you.  Given the circumstances, we will forgo the lessons today, we can pick up tomorrow.”  He ushered her out the door, so quickly that Kalina wondered if he was hiding something more.  Once back at her quarters, she exchanged her apprentice robes for a lovely green dress.  She spent most of her time studying and practicing the art, she didn’t know how to spend her time.  As the horses in the stables below whinnied, she decided a long ride would help clear her mind of the events of the day.

 *                            *                             *                             *
Orin waited a few moments to ensure the young woman had truly gone.  He looked around the study and with a wave of his hand everything was returned to its rightful place.  He knew Arien would come looking for the orb, but he didn’t expect him to come so soon, nor come this far into the castle.  It has been centuries since Arien has made an attempt at the orb.  I must speak with Bailynn about this, she needs to know. With that thought Orin hurried out his study to find the high priestess without noticing the raven sitting on the ledge of the window.
Orin found the high priestess in the gardens with her trusted advisor Madeline, speaking gently to the roses.  “I apologize for the intrusion your highness, but there is a matter of the utmost urgency we need to discuss.”

“Orin, my friend, everything is of the utmost urgency with you.  What has young Kalina done now?”
“As that may be, this has nothing to do Kalina.  Arien has returned, this time he was in the study.”
“Is he seeking the orb again?”

“I am afraid it seems that way, your highness.  But for what purpose I am not sure.  I appeared as he was beginning his search.   Also, Kalina was in the room when he appeared.”
“We must call together the counsel.  If Arien is indeed after the orb again, we need to plan a course of action.  This time we need to stop him for good.  Was the young woman harmed?”

“Just frightened, I gave her the day off from her lessons.”

“Good.  Now we must act against this new threat.”
“As you wish.”  With that Orin turned on his heels leaving the high priestess and her advisor to return to their task.  

Orin began to worry about the implications of Arien’s return.  The last time he attempted to steal the Orb, he almost caused the destruction of the council.  The Orb has the power to not only magnify the user’s own powers, but also to turn a person’s heart to complete tone or heal one that has already been tainted.  Previously, Arien tried to use the Orb to gain control of the council and become the High Priest of Heilari.  He almost succeeded, and now it seems he is going to make his attempt once more.  Orin quickened his steps to his study to begin the necessary preparations.
 *                            *                             *                             *
A ride through the forest normally helps Kalina clear her mind, but today she could not get her mind off of the mysterious man and this orb he was looking for.  She could not shake the feeling that something bad was on the horizons.  Even the forest itself, felt afraid, as if it could tell that something evil is lurking in the shadows, waiting for the prime opportunity to make its presence known.  Maybe I should begin practicing harder, so next time I would be able to protect myself better.  With a heavy sigh, Kalina guided her chestnut mare back towards the castle grounds.

After stabling her horse, Kalina wandered around to training grounds where she could hear the clash of swords striking one another.  Normally she could find a small area away from the warriors to practice her art.  She situated herself in a patch of grass to meditate before beginning, but all she could focus on was the buzzing whisper about the council meeting in a few days. I wonder if their meeting as anything to do with the ashen colored man. Master Orin said not to worry about him, but if the council is meeting because of his presence, then how can I not worry?  Kalina was wrapped up in her own thoughts that she did not notice the strange hidden within the shadows watching her as she absentmindedly walked back into the castle.

Kalina found herself standing outside Orin’s study door, debating whether or not she should knock when the door opened before her.

“Oh my Kalina, you startled me.  You shouldn’t be lurking outside people’s doors.  It could be considered rude.”

“I’m sorry master; I kind of just wandered here without thinking.   I heard rumors that the council is going to be meeting.  Is that true?  Is it because of what happened this morning, and please do not tell me it is none of my concern.  I deserve to know what is happening so I may be prepared.”

“Come in my dear, you are right.  You deserve to know what is happening.  The man who appeared here earlier is a sorcerer known as Arien.   He is searching for a sacred relic, whose powers transcend even the council’s knowledge.  About 20 years ago, he tried to obtain the Orb, and almost destroyed the council in the process.  Now it appears he is attempting this again.”

“How did you stop him?  Can it be done again?”

“Unfortunately, only someone with a power as great as his can stop him.  Last time High Priestess 
Bailynn was the one who stopped him.  But I fear her powers are weakening, I don’t know how we will stop him this time.”

The two sat in aching silence before Orin stood up and walked to the door.

“My dear, you must try to get some sleep it is getting late.  The next few days will be hectic as the council comes together.  I would also like for you to sit in on the meetings as well.  You might learn something in the process.”

“Thank you Master.  I will try to get some rest, but I am worried about what will happen.  If the priestess is no longer strong enough, how will we be able to defeat this Arien?”

“That is what the council will decide in the coming days.  Go now and rest.”

Orin ushered his apprentice out the door, feeling the weight of the day finally overcoming him.  Once she left, he uttered a prayer to the goddess and stumbled to his bed without changing into his bed clothes.
 *                            *                             *                             *
The screech of an owl jars Kalina away from her book.  She blankly stares out the window searching for the bird.  The hour is late, I must try to sleep as Master Orin suggested.  Kalina thought to herself as she nestled into her bed, allowing sleep to overcome her.

The sound of curtains flapping against the wall jostled Kalina from a deep sleep.  The young woman frantically searches her room for the sound.  She stifles a scream as her eyes land on a figure in the corner of her room.  Moonlight highlights the sharp linear features of Arien as he glides across the room stopping at the foot of Kalina's bed.

Trying to keep her voice from trembling Kalina boldly says 'You will not succeed in getting the orb.  Priestess Bailynn and Master Orin will stop you."

"HA! That old fool wouldn't know if a dragon landed on his rear.  Though it seems the power I seek is not within that silly orb.  How could we have been so blind to not realize the ancient power would be in something other than a small ball."

"What do you mean; the Orb of Heilari is the most powerful object in the land.  How could there be something more powerful?"

Arien begins pacing around the room, making Kalina anxious.  She follows his movements as he begins to speak again.

"Oh such beauty, yet so naive.   Child, it is true the Firsts harnessed their power into a single object, what you call the Orb of Heilari.  But they also ensured that should the orb be in danger the power would then be transferred to one who was worthy to weld its power.  Odd that Orin didn't tell you any of this, seeing as the orb decided the one worthy is you."

Kalina stared at the other elf in disbelief.  Could she trust the things he is saying?  Could she have become more powerful than both Master Orin and the Priestess?

“If what you say is true, then I have to power to stop you.  Why risk yourself coming into my bedchambers to tell me all this?”

“Simple my dear, Orin has not trained you enough for you to know how to use the most basic of power.  It would be child’s play for me to make an attempt at taking your life while you slept. “
He slinked forward and Kalina caught a glimpse of silver flicker in the moonlight. Before she could scream, Arien leaps towards her with a knife raised.  Kalina scurries from her bed just barely escaping the blade.  She ran into her reading nook and closed her eyes to focus on her power.  She formulated the image in her mind Arien lying unconscious on the ground.  She felt a pulse radiate from her body and a scream echoes throughout her chambers.  Guards crash through the door as she opens her eyes and sees Arien lying prone on the floor.  Wide-eyed she searches the people filing into her quarters, once Orin arrives she tells him everything Arien had said.

“Is it true Master?  Could the orb’s powers have been transferred to me?”

“Yes dear child, it is possible.  I had my suspicions about that happening when Arien presented himself earlier today.  I had hoped I would have more time to explain things, and help guide you in the acceptance of the new power.  I was to begin a new set of training with you in the morning, which I still plan on doing.  It looks as though our adversary has been taken care of for now, thanks to you.   Rest now and we will begin your training tomorrow.”

“Why so soon Master?  If Arien has been stopped, why do we need to hurry into intense training?”
The gentle voice of the priestess startles Kalina; “Arien was the first of many I am afraid.  He is a part of a group determined to obtain the power of the Firsts and will stop at nothing to obtain it.  Now that the orb has gifted you with its power, you are in more danger now than ever before.  You need to learn to control the power and what you are capable of.  I believe the focus of your training will shift and you will become my apprentice.  A war is coming and we need to prepared, Kalina; especially if you are to be the next priestess.  But for now get some rest and will we talk in the morrow.”

The horde of people began leaving her room and Kalina settled back into her bed to finally get some sleep.  As she begins to drift off to sleep she wonders to herself; Will I be able to handle this?  Will I make a good priestess like Bailynn, or will I fail?  I guess time will tell.  I hope I will be able to make them proud.  I have a long journey ahead of me, I hope I can help protect the ones I love and stop those who seek to hurt us…

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